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Pritam Rajasthan Jaipur

1, Gopalpura Rd, Gangaram nagar, Mangal Vihar Shri Gopal Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302018

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Pritam Rajasthan Jaipur Fee Structure

Course Duration Fees Type
LDC 8500 /- Online/OnSite
PATWAAR 8500 /- Online/OnSite
Gram Sewak 8500 /- Online/OnSite
RAJASTHAN POLICE 7000 /- Online/OnSite
SHIKSHAK I 9500 /- Online/OnSite

About Pritam Rajasthan Jaipur

Pritam Rajasthan is situated at Ridhi Sidhi Chowk, Jaipur. It has been set up by educationists who are strikingly enthusiastic about conviction and learning in something beyond instruction. The organization is committed to the improvement of the method for educating right now being executed to understudies who are going to choose their future callings. They put stock in direction, in coaching. They essentially center around instructing understudies to construct a vocation in the coveted calling. Wanted employments or Government Jobs are fundamentally in the most requested. The group of brains at the foundation immovably put stock in instruction, and say that just training issues. Learning isn't just the best approach to succeed yet, in addition, a deadlock to all questions. It is the best way to ceaseless advancement and development. With a specific end goal to make this instruction more valuable, bona fide measures are required with respect to both the understudy and the tutor. These measures accomplish wanted outcomes when there is an entire linkage between the understudy and the workforce, as to perspective all viewpoints that include learning. In any case, understudies vary from each other as far as their potential and have diverse learning techniques. Be that as it may, the job of a coach is of wealth significance, the learning gave relies upon understudy's craving to comprehend the extraordinary necessities of every last idea. In the event that the guide can fine choke up the learning procedure according to their requirements at that point, learning finds an alternate character out and out. Hence, we aim at making an affair which is genuinely everlasting.
Courses offered:
1. LDC (Lower Division Clerk (LDC))
2. PATWAAR (Patwaar)
3. Gram Sewak (Gram Sewak)
5. SHIKSHAK I (Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET))
6. SHIKSHAK II (Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET))
8. SSC CGL (Maths) (Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Exam)

Pritam Rajasthan Jaipur Reviews

Avantika minhas

This spot has energized me to work all the more perseveringly consistently so it’s amazing at Pritam Rajasthan. The contemplate material is all around made and the thoughts are incredibly elucidated....

Saravjit singh

At Pritam Rajasthan has motivated me to work harder every day at at Pritam Rajasthan.The study material is well created and the concepts are very well explained....

Ranjeet Rai

Test series a prominent one right off building and jogging you concepts both basics as well as advanced topics in this coaching centre....

Ashok kumar

The concepts are being taught with the tricks helping us at this centre to have had solve them quickly....

Priyanshu rai

Faculty will prepare you for Interviews, Written Ability Test and Group Discussions. It’s been a really for joining the institute if you want to excel in your entrance exam preparation amazing institute is this one....

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